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The Bioscience Resource Project provides scientific and intellectual resources for a healthy future. It publishes Independent Science News, a media service devoted to food and agriculture, and their impacts on health and the environment. It also offers resources for scientists and educators and internships and training for students. Through its innovative scientific journalism and original biosafety review articles, the project provides unique and revealing perspectives on issues that are fundamental to the survival of people and the planet. The project does not accept advertising or corporate funding and is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. It is completely dependent on individual donations.We invite you to join the Project as a contributor or a donor.

Bioscience Resource Project News and Views

The American Chestnut Foundation Bails as GE Chestnut Develops Growth and Fertility Problems and Fails to Resist the Blight

was written by Anne Petermann of the Global Justice Ecology Project.
Synopsis: On December 8th, 2023, The American Chestnut Foundation (TACF) revealed it was withdrawing its support for the Darling 58 GE blight-resistant chestnut (D58). The Darling 58 Chestnut is a genetically engineered tree variety being developed by the State University of New York Forestry School (SUNY-ESF). It is intended to resist the chestnut blight fungus that almost eradicated the American Chestnut. Currently, the D58 chestnut is the subject of a petition for deregulation by USDA. TACF is withdrawing its support because the GE trees given to them by SUNY-ESF were not Darling 58 but Darling 54, a different GE event, but primarily because the trees they were given failed to thrive even in the absence of the blight. According to documentation on the TACF website the GE trees were stunted, often chlorotic (yellow), and often developed brown leaves. Moreover, the GE chestnuts did not effectively resist the blight fungus. The onus is now on SUNY-ESF to withdraw the GE Chestnut petition or for USDA to reject it, as the introduction of genetically inferior GE trees represents a danger to surviving non-GE Chestnuts.
Learn more by reading the complete article at:

Transgenic Rice Once Again Proposed as Solution to Bacterial Blight Outbreaks, This Time in Africa

Published on Thursday Sept 14th, 2023 in Independent Science News: Transgenic Rice Once Again Proposed as Solution to Bacterial Blight Outbreaks, This Time in Africa by GRAIN
SYNOPSIS: Gates Foundation-funded researchers are touting a new variety of transgenic rice as the solution to a bacterial blight threatening rice growers in Tanzania. The disease is new to Africa, at least in this form, and it threatens rice across the continent. The ironies of this situation are many. The blight probably came from China via a Chinese agribusiness that was offering ‘improved’ rice seeds. Meanwhile, solutions to bacterial blights already exist in the form of sustainable agroecology practices but these are being ignored.

(GRAIN is a small international non-profit organisation that works to support small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems).



The Great Raccoon Dog Mystery by Jonathan Latham

Published on Thursday, 29th June, 2023, by Independent Science News: The Great Raccoon Dog Mystery by Jonathan Latham, PhD

Synopsis by Jonathan Latham: This April and May I set off on a European tour of virology conferences that are, once more being held in person. I had important questions about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID19 pandemic that could only be asked live and in person. I also planned to find out more about the latest research, assess the future of the origin controversy, and test the opinions of ordinary virologists about the origin itself. Is there, indeed, a scientific consensus? It would be a tour of the COVID origin front line. I returned with a rich haul of insights and answers. But what I didn’t expect was that merely my questions would set off a chain of events and revelations that saw me spied on, stolen from, and censored, by the scientific organisers of the third and final conference. This reaction helped validate the case that there is a fatal flaw in the Huanan Market Theory and a campaign to cover it up by scientists previously not known to be involved.

Read the entire article at:




Children from Gamete-like Cells: Dishing up a Eugenic Future

Published in Independent Science News on Tuesday June 20th, 2023: Children from Gamete-like Cells: Dishing up a Eugenic Future by Stuart Newman and Tina Stevens.

Synopsis: In April, 2023, the National Academy of Sciences held a three day workshop titled “In Vitro Derived Human Gametes as Reproductive Technology: Scientific, Ethical, and Regulatory Implications”. Stuart Newman is a Professor of Cell Biology & Anatomy at New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York, and Tina Stevens Tina Stevens is Lecturer Emerita, Department of History, San Francisco State University and Director, Alliance for Humane Biotechnology. In this article the authors provide a critique of the workshop and the technology itself. They also identify the sometimes surprising individuals and institutions who are smoothing the path towards industrialised gamete production and fertilisation. These developments are happening regardless of safety and other concerns, say the authors, in particular the eugenic aspects of overtly controlled fertilisation.
Read the entire article at:



Did West Africa’s Ebola Outbreak of 2014 Have a Lab Origin?

Published on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022 by Independent Science News: “Did West Africa’s Ebola Outbreak of 2014 Have a Lab Origin?” written by Sam Husseini and Jonathan Latham, PhD

Synopsis: The Ebola outbreak of 2014 was a disaster for West Africa. Over 11,000 lives were lost amidst intense negative social and economic consequences. The 2014 outbreak of Zaire Ebola (as the species is known) is today commonly cited as a bona fide example of a natural zoonosis that began in the country of Guinea. However, the 2014 outbreak was puzzling on multiple levels. The greatest of these puzzles is that all previous Zaire Ebola virus outbreaks occurred in the Congo basin, which is thousands of miles away. Additionally, to this day and despite extensive sampling, no animal source of Zaire Ebola virus in West Africa has ever been identified. At the same time, in Sierra-Leone, not far from the border with Guinea, is the town of Kenema which hosts a US-funded virus research facility. The research focus of this lab, which is run by the US-based Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Consortium, are the viral haemorrhagic fevers of which Ebola is one.

We now disclose the results of our scientific investigation into the origin of that outbreak. What we have uncovered are fundamental logical and scientific weaknesses in the orthodox outbreak story and, as well, strong evidence that supports an origin in Sierra Leone. First, we show that the orthodox story of patient zero–the Guinean child who played with bats is simply speculation and unsupported by clinical or documentary evidence. Second, the epidemiological links from this child to the first confirmed cases, which were months later, are also highly speculative. Thirdly, we have reanalysed the phylogeny of the Ebola genomes published during the outbreak and find no support for an origin in Guinea. Rather, phylogenetics strongly supports assertions made at the time by MSF (Doctors without Borders) that, though identified first, the Guinea outbreak actually spread from Sierra-Leone. In line with this supposition, we lay out the compelling phylogenetic evidence that the Sierra Leone outbreak began well before its official date of first detection. Lastly, our investigation revealed a cover-up. Although there are clear and obvious inconsistencies between the phylogenetic evidence and the orthodox narrative of a Guinean origin, western researchers, many of them from the lab in Kenema, or closely connected to it, chose to overlook these weaknesses to promote a false and misleading Guinean origin story.

The authors are Sam Husseini – an independent journalist and Jonathan Latham – a virologist.

Read the full article at: https://www.independentsciencenews.org/health/did-west-africas-ebola-outbreak-of-2014-have-a-lab-origin/





Fauci’s COVID Origin SWAT Team Versus the Mojiang Miner Passage Theory

Published Monday, May 23rd, 2022 by Independent Science News: Fauci’s COVID Origin SWAT Team Versus the Mojiang Miner Passage Theory, written by Jonathan Latham, PhD.

Synopsis: The Mojiang Miners Passage theory of the origin of SARS-CoV-2 proposes that the virus derives from human patient samples sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2012. This theory has been significantly strengthened by recent research findings and some of these developments are explained in the article. But the theory has also come under fire from virologists, like Andrew Rambaut of Edinburgh University, who support a zoonotic origin for SARS-CoV-2. Rambaut is a key scientific figure in the pandemic. He is also a member of the secret group selected by Anthony Fauci in February 2020 to confer on the origin of the virus.
The article dissects the points used by Rambaut against the Mojiang Miner lab origin theory. Far from being decisive, Rambaut’s arguments are rhetorical devices rather than scientific arguments. They reveal much about the PR strategy of establishment virologists. They also expose the relative strengths of the zoonotic origin hypothesese vs. lab leak theories in general, and the Mojiang Miner theory in particular.
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