Independent Science News has just published Carol Van Strum’s review of: Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and the EPA (Bloomsbury Press 2014), a new book by Evaggelos Vallianatos (with McKay Jenkins).

Summary: What goes on inside the US Environmental Protection Agency is no longer a mystery. Evaggelos Vallianatos had a twenty five year career as a staff officer in EPA’s Pesticides Division. Now that he no longer works there Vallianatos calls its activities “The Big Business of Fraudulent Science” and in Poison Spring he documents multitudinous ways in which, while he was there, EPA ignored and dismissed scientific evidence of harm for numerous synthetic chemicals. This downplaying of risk by the EPA is not based in ignorance; rather, it is a function of calculated collusion with polluters and “independent” testing organizations. The result is a complex and elaborate illusion of governmental precaution and rigor that ultimately gives the petrochemical industries and agribusiness free reign. Poison Spring is an essential guide to understanding – and rolling back – industrial and agricultural pollution.

To read Carol Van Strum’s review of this important book click on: Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and the EPA.
