“Our mission is to provide the highest quality scientific information and analysis to enable a healthy food system and a healthy world”

The Bioscience Resource Project provides scientific and intellectual resources for a healthy future. It publishes Independent Science News, a media service devoted to food and agriculture, and their impacts on health and the environment. It also offers resources for scientists and educators and internships and training for students. Through its innovative scientific journalism and original biosafety review articles, the project provides unique and revealing perspectives on issues that are fundamental to the survival of people and the planet. The project does not accept advertising or corporate funding and is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. It is completely dependent on individual donations.We invite you to join the Project as a contributor or a donor.

Bioscience Resource Project News and Views

Bioscience Resource Project statement on the arrest of Julian Assange

As a news publisher that expects and requires the protection of the law, the Bioscience Resource Project expresses its absolute dismay at the behaviour of the British and US governments. These two governments have shown that their belief in freedom of the press lacks any substance. Mr Assange shared the truth. He does not appear to have broken any law. In contrast, many that he helped expose unequivocally did commit major crimes. YET THEY WALK FREE.

More from Freedom of the Press Foundation:



Jonathan Latham Speaks on a Panel at Hunter College: GMOs-Science, Ethics, Risks, Regulations and Food Security

Date and Time

Tue, March 12, 2019

9:00 AM – 10:15 AM EDT


Hunter College (Silberman Building)

2180 Third Avenue @ 119th

Main Auditorium (on 2nd Floor)

New York, New York 10035


This panel will explore the latest research concerning GMOs and their impact on human and environmental health. For more information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gmos-science-ethics-risks-regulations-and-food-security-tickets-54592678170


Rigging the Science of GMO Ecotoxicity

On January 29, 2019, Independent Science News published “Rigging the Science of GMO Ecotoxicity,”, a new article by  Jonathan Latham, PhD.

Synopsis: Cry toxins are controversial proteins that kill insects and other organisms. They are commonly inserted into GMO crops, some of which now contain six different transgenic versions. A large body of research has now shown, to the discomfort of the biotech industry, that these toxins can have major effects on beneficial and other non-pest organisms. Our investigation has uncovered that some academics, including one with very close ties to industry, have secretively started adding chemical antidotes to their ecological test diets. These test diets can be expected–and some already have–to give Cry toxins a clean bill of health in ecological toxicity tests. This research is additionally being used to discredit previously gathered evidence of Cry toxin harm.

Why Sustainable Agriculture Should Support a Green New Deal

Published January 14th, 2019 by Independent Science News: Why Sustainable Agriculture Should Support a Green New Deal, a new article by Elizabeth Henderson

Synopsis: An alliance of social movements and members of Congress led by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) are proposing a Green New Deal that would initiate an emergency mobilization to address economic inequities and reverse our blind march toward catastrophic climate change. The sustainable agriculture movement with its many organizations and individuals should become active shapers of it, to ensure that it includes regenerating soil health, reinventing parity payments with supply management for farmers, and that farm workers are not excluded from the just transition, writes Elizabeth Henderson.


Jonathan Latham Upcoming Talks: Guelph, Ontario, CANADA and in New Orleans, U.S.A. at the World Aquaculture Society Meeting

Guelph, Ontario, Canada on Sunday, January 27th 2019 (12:45pm) Dr. Jonathan Latham, Executive Director of the Bioscience Resource Project will be be giving a Workshop on Gene Editing at the Guelph Organic Conference and Trade Show (Link: https://guelphorganicconf.ca/)

World Aquaculture Society meeting in New Orleans, March 7-11, 2019. (Link: https://www.was.org/meetings/default.aspx?code=AQ2019)
Dr Latham will speak twice:
March 9, 2019 Session: ShrimpENCODE. Dr. Latham will speak about Cry toxins
March 10, 2019 Session: ONE HEALTH Epigenomics and Microbiomes: From Soil to People. Dr. Latham will speak about Gene Editing.

How France and Germany Are Ousting Glyphosate In A Search For Healthy Soils and Pesticide-Free Crops

Published December 12th, 2018, in Independent Science News, “How France and Germany Are Ousting Glyphosate In A Search For Healthy Soils and Pesticide-Free Crops,” written by Ramon Seidler, PhD
Synopsis: “Here is my best understanding on how the French government sees a transition away from glyphosate use while protecting farmers financially.” says Ramon Seidler, but will Germany take the same route?
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In reality, development for the vast majority of the peoples of the world has been a process in which the individual is torn from his past, propelled into an uncertain future, only to secure a place on the bottom rung of an economic ladder that goes nowhere.

- Wade Davis

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