“Our mission is to provide the highest quality scientific information and analysis to enable a healthy food system and a healthy world”
The Bioscience Resource Project provides scientific and intellectual resources for a healthy future. It publishes Independent Science News, a media service devoted to food and agriculture, and their impacts on health and the environment. It also offers resources for scientists and educators and internships and training for students. Through its innovative scientific journalism and original biosafety review articles, the project provides unique and revealing perspectives on issues that are fundamental to the survival of people and the planet. The project does not accept advertising or corporate funding and is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. It is completely dependent on individual donations.We invite you to join the Project as a contributor or a donor.
Bioscience Resource Project News and Views
Daylong UCSF Chemical Industry Documents Library Event Includes: “Failing for Forty Years: What the Poison Papers Tell Us About the EPA and How to Reform It”
September 13, 2018, the UCSF Environmental Health Initiative, in collaboration with the UCSF Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment and the UCSF Industry Documents Library, will host a day-long series on the science and stories contained within three new collections of chemical industry documents being added to the library. The goal is to expand public awareness about the contents of the collections and their vast potential in informing scientific research, public policy, and decision-making.
“Failing for Forty Years: What the Poison Papers Tell Us About the EPA and How to Reform It”
Thursday September 13 from 10:00am-11:00am
Byers Auditorium
UCSF Mission Bay Campus
600 16th Street
San Francisco, CA 94143
United States
Jonathan Latham, Director of the Bioscience Resource Project and donor of the Poison Papers to the UCSF Chemical Industry Documents library. Dr. Latham will talk about the importance of the 20,000-document collection and how they expose problems with both the internal culture of the EPA and its legal framework that are often fraught with industry influences that prevent precautionary decision-making, even when the science clearly points to danger.
Brunch to follow in Genentech Hall Atrium from 11-12.
Panel Discussion:
“Unsealing the Science: What the Public can Learn from Internal Chemical Industry Documents,”
– 533 Parnassus Avenue
Cole Hall Auditorium
San Francisco, CA 94143
United States
A panel discussion with the donors of three new UCSF chemical industry documents collections – the Glyphosate and Agrochemical Collection (Gary Ruskin, US Right to Know), the Poison Papers (Jonathan Latham, Bioscience Resource Project), and the Benzene Collection (Raphael Metzger, principal of the Metzger Law Group) will explore what the documents mean for public health and the perils they faced in making these documents public. Professor Stanton Glantz, who began the library with the first collection of internal tobacco industry documents, will introduce the panel and explain how the documents have been used to inform litigation, documentaries, and public policy decisions. The panel will be moderated by Dr. Tracey Woodruff, Professor and Director of the UCSF Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment and Co-Director of the UCSF Environmental Health Initiative, which has supported the development of the Chemical Industry Documents library.
Panel discussion from 3:30-5:30 at Cole Hall Auditorium.
To attend, please click here to reserve your free ticket.
Jonathan Latham Speaks in Australia August 17-30th, 2018:
New information will be added when it is available. To meet Jonathan or book talks in Australia, contact him at https://bioscienceresource.org/contact-us/
Some of the events are free, some have a charge and tickets are required.
Rockhampton: Friday 17th August from 8.30am-5.00pm – “Lunch Learn Debate: GMOs and food safety” Rockhampton Leagues Club with Dr Judy Carman and Dr Oliver Knox. Contact Mick Alexander 0438395255 Bookings Essential
Brisbane: Saturday 18th August at 5-8pm –“Toxic food systems and how to change them” 1/8 Textile Crescent, Salisbury QLD, Brisbane, Queensland Food Connect. Hosted by Australian Earth Laws Alliance
Canberra: Tuesday 21st August from 6-7.30 pm – The Poison Papers: Politics, food and you with Rob de Castella; Smith’s Alternative, 76 Alinga St, Canberra CBD.
Sydney: Thursday 23rd August from 7-9pm – Strong Gut. Strong Body. Strong Planet. Sydney Mechanics School of Arts (SMSA), The Mitchell Theatre, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000.
Perth: Sunday 26th August from 1.30-3.30 pm –Rethinking Food and Health with Jeff Pow. The Grove Community Learning Centre, Cnr Stirling Highway and Leake Street, Peppermint Grove, WA, Australia.
Melbourne: Wednesday 29th August from 6:30-8:30pm.– Eating the Earth: why the food movement is unstoppable with Charles Massy. William Angliss Institute, 555 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000.
Daylesford: Thursday 30th August 7-9.00 pm – Eating the Earth: why the food movement is unstoppable with Tammi Jonas (Farmer and AFSA president), as well as Charles Massy and Jonathan Latham; Daylesford Town Hall, 74 Vincent Street, Daylesford, VIC 3460.
Update: Jonathan Latham Speaks in Hawaii August 2nd, 3rd, and 7th
Hawaii: 2nd August Biotechnology, Agri-Chemicals, and the Value of Life
Talk by Dr Jonathan Latham
Thursday August 2nd at 5:30pm
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Kamakakuokalani Centre for Hawaiian studies
2645 Dole St. Honolulu HI 96822
Kauai: 3rd August 6:30pm Biotechnology, Agri-Chemicals, and the Value of Life
Talk by Dr Jonathan Latham
Friday, August 3rd at 6:30pm
Koloa community Center
3461 Weliweli Rd. Koloa, Kauai
Maui: 7th August 7pm The Poison Papers Revealed, CRISPR and Gene Editing Explained
Talk by Dr. Jonathan Latham
Tuesday, August 7th at 7pm
Makawao Union Church
1445 Baldwin Ave
All talks are free and open to the public.
Jonathan Latham, PhD Speaking in Hawaii, August 2nd and 7th, 2018
Biotechnology, Agri-Chemicals, and the Value of Life
Talk by Dr Jonathan Latham
Thursday Aug 2nd at 5:30pm
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Kamakakuokalani Centre for Hawaiian studies
2645 Dole St. Honolulu HI 96822
The Poison Papers Revealed, CRISPR and Gene Editing Explained
Talk by Dr. Jonathan Latham
Tuesday, August 7th at 7pm
Makawao Union Church
1445 Baldwin Ave
Both talks are free and open to the public.
Believing We Have a Functional EPA Is Worse Than Having a Non-Functional EPA
“Believing We Have a Functional EPA Is Worse Than Having a Non-Functional EPA” is the title of a new Truthout interview by Lorna Garano, who interviewed Jonathan Latham, PhD about the Poison Papers and what they reveal. The interview was published on
JRL: “The EPA protects polluters and not the public. It merely pretends to protect the public. That is what I came to understand as a scientist who studies the EPA and other regulators, including ones in other countries. The fundamental reason, however, is not understood. It is not “revolving doors” or industry pressure that compels the EPA to operate on the side of polluters, or the waste industry or the GMO industry. To understand the real story, it is necessary to listen to whistleblowers like William Sanjour. What he will tell you is that the EPA does not have the support in Washington to do its job. In particular, that means it doesn’t have the support of Congress or the president. Therefore, the EPA has to plan to fail. The agency cannot fulfill its stated mission because if it did actually ban important products or impose large fines, then the president would fire the chief administrator. This may be a mystery to most, but inside the agency, it is rule number one: Any information likely to embarrass a major industry must never see the light of day.“
Read the full interview at: https://truthout.org/articles/believing-we-have-a-functional-epa-is-worse-than-having-a-non-functional-epa/
Jonathan Latham interviewed by Derrick Jensen and Peter B. Collins
Listen to these new talks and interviews and visit our Radio and BSR Video pages for more: https://bioscienceresource.org/publications/
The Project’s scientists are available to discuss science, food and agriculture and their impacts on health and the environment. Contact us to arrange an interview or talk. Below are some recent radio interviews with Jonathan Latham, PhD about the Poison Papers and a talk on GMOs given to the Sierra club.
Derrick Jensen interviews Jonathan Latham on Resistance Radio about the Poison Papers
Scientific innovation and public protection depends on regulation. Regulation at government agencies such as the EPA has an undeserved aura of science and rigour that is exposed in this fascinating extended (51 minute) interview. https://resistanceradioprn.podbean.com/e/resistance-radio-jonathan-r-latham-061718/
Jonathan Latham interviewed about the Poison Papers by Peter B. Collins June 2017
Based on the newly-released Poison Papers, Dr. Jonathan Latham of Independent Science News slams the EPA and its predecessors. Latham is also executive director of the Bioscience Resource Project, which has released a huge trove of documents from industries and regulators, the Poison Papers here.
We open with a discussion of recent moves by Trump’s EPA under Scott Pruitt, which just announced very narrow enforcement of 2016’s updates of the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976. Latham is dismissive, saying the EPA “already had its agenda for not doing anything”, and that EPA “has never done its job”.
This leads to his description of the Poison Papers, which date to 1920 and show that pattern of weak regulation, unchanged by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970. We walk through searches for “Agent Orange” and “glyphosate”, and he comments on the range of documents in the collection.
Latham offers a sweeping indictment of EPA and regulation of toxic chemicals in general, describing a game where the industries are always outraged at “over-reach” and EPA enables the industries while appearing to regulate them. He sees little difference between Democrats who champion science as the basis of regulation and Republicans who promote corporate profits over sensible regulation. https://www.peterbcollins.com/2018/06/11/in-depth-interview-dr-jonathan-latham-exposes-the-game-epa-plays-with-industries-it-regulates/
GMO Hazards to Health and Ecosystems
This video presents an overview of GMOs. How they are made, how that impacts on their safety, and it details some of the specific documented concerns we have. Filmed at the Sierra Club of Binghamton. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYhWbysUqqE